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Why use Osteopathy?

Osteopaths use a holistic approach to treatment. Osteopathy is a non-invasive educated analysis of the body. The osteopath will formulate a treatment that encourages and enhances natural health to combat injury and illness.

No medicated prescription is required.

Osteopathic Medicine is defined upon its philosophy to embraces the concept of unity within the human body; structure (anatomy) and function (physiology).

Osteopathy is governed by a number of principles;
1- The body is a unit. An integrated unit. An integrated unit of the mind, body and spirit.
2- The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms, having the inherent capacity to defend, repair and remodel itself.
3- Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
4- The rule of the artery is supreme.

Using these principles the osteopath caters a highly specific treatment and management plan for the dysfunction. London Osteopathic Care delivers first class treatment, catering for the whole body, while addressing the cause of the problem.

Here are some of the conditions relieved with the use of osteopathy

Osteopathic treatment can be divided into three different mechanisms of treatment and its is up to the osteopath when to use which. Depending on the problem you can ask your osteopath to one more than the other.

Structural Osteopathy: is the more traditional mechanical method of osteopathy that most people are more familiar with. Structural Osteopathic techniques involve mobilizing joints i.e. “clicking”. As with all methods of osteopathy there is an understanding of tissue behaviour in response to stress (physical/mental). Structural, like classical and cranial can be used for all sorts of conditions.

Cranial osteopathy: Founded by Dr Sutherland, he emphasized that the cranial concept is only an extension of Dr A.T.Still’s treatment method. Cranial osteopathy encourages the cranium and all the fluids to continue a rhythmic movement throughout all the tissues of the body and are controlled by it to exist in harmony. It is widely known and used for expectant mothers and babies.

Gentle and non-invasive (drug free) cranial osteopathy allows the expectant mother to be manipulated into a position of ease, which allows her anatomy and physiology to maintain everything throughout the pregnancy and birth of her new born.

If you or any of your friends or family have any problems with lower back pain, sciatic pain, heart burn, carpel tunnel syndrome, neck and shoulder pain or any paresthesia (pins and needles) in the hand or feet. Even a feeling of being restless or frustrated please let them know we are here to help.

They will thank you for it!

Classical Osteopathy: is a sophisticated discipline that is delivered in a systemic form called “Total Body Adjustment”. The Total Body Adjustment treats the whole body, through a series of rhythmical movements allowing the body to come into its own natural oscillation pattern. As with all forms of osteopathy, the osteopath’s goal is to find health and eliminate disease. The body has its own self-regulatory mechanism and osteopathy helps place the body in the right environment.

The practitioners at London Osteopathic Care use all three osteopathic techniques.

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